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Passion for your product Whether it concerns potatoes, onions or seeds; extraction helps you achieve the perfect product. Beautiful, cleanly packaged onions with no skins or husk. Or dust-free,
About us
We care for clean air With a JDC extraction system, clean air is always at hand. Our powerful and durable systems ensure your production area is an agreeable place to work. As a leading
United states JDC Extraction 527 W. McGregor Drive Boise, Idaho 83705 Phone: 208 577 5375 The Netherlands Jongejans Luchttechniek Breeuwersweg 5 1786 PG Den Helder Tel:
Extraction during potato processing Fine dust is released when processing and storing potatoes. The right extraction system for your machines will make them less likely to break down and you
Lovely, clean onions without any skins (husk) Onions give off a lot of dust at the beginning of the process, when being sorted and packaged. Jongejans knows exactly how to tackle this dust and skin
Dust? Skins? Endotoxins? Our filters will solve it! Many Dutch seed companies are counted among the best in the world due to their innovation, knowledge and ingenious processing systems.
Agra cyclone
A special fan extracts the dust and skins and blows them into the cyclone. The cyclone is an ideal system for separating dust and skins from the air. The waste is discharged from the bottom of the
Agra Cyclojet
The cyclo-jet is a filter system that separates extracted agricultural dust and skins from the air. The integrated cartridge filters, which are cleaned by compressed air, completely clean the
Agra PGF filter
The PGF is a filter system used to extract agricultural dust. The unit consists of several extremely quiet, high-efficiency extraction fans and filters that are automatically cleaned with compressed
Mobile units
The mobile extraction unit can be flexibly configured to suit your production line. You can use this unit wherever dust or skins need to be extracted. You can connect the unit to one or two
[:en]Cyclone based on underpressure[:nl]Cycloon op onderdruk[:de]Cycloon mit Unterdruck[:fr]Cyclone sur dépression[:]
Get to know our team. With over 35 employees, spread across the Netherlands and the US, we work as one team on extraction solutions for our customers on a daily basis. Each one applies his or her own
[:en]Cellular wheel sluice[:nl]Cellenradsluis[:de]Zellenradschleuse[:fr]Sas[:]
[:nl]Persluchtgerenigd filter[:en]Compressed air cleaned filter[:de]Mit Pressluft gereinigtes Filter (PGF)[:fr]Filtre nettoyé à l’air comprimé[:]
[:nl]Luchtretour[:en]Air return[:de]Luftrückführung[:fr]Retour d’air[:]
[:en]High-efficiency fans[:nl]Hoog rendement ventilatoren[:de]Hochleistungsventilatoren[:fr]Ventilateurs à haut rendement[:]
[:nl]Persluchtgereinigd filter[:en]Compressed air cleaned filter[:de]Mit Pressluft gereinigtes Filter[:fr]Filtre nettoyé à l’air comprimé[:]
[:nl]Hoog rendement ventilatoren[:en]High-efficiency fans[:de]Hochleistungsventilatoren[:fr]Ventilateurs à haut rendement[:]
[:nl]Handmatig gereinigde filterpatronen[:en]Manually cleaned cartridge filters[:de]Von Hand gereinigte Filterpatronen[:fr]Gabarits de filtres nettoyés manuellement[:]
[:nl]Afvalopvang in zakken[:en]Waste collection in bags[:de]Abfallaufnahme in Säcken[:fr]Récolte des déchets dans des sacs[:]
[:nl]Persluchtgereinigd filter[:en]Compressed air cleaned filter[:de]Mit Pressluft gereinigtes Filter[:fr]Filtre nettoyé à l’air comprimé[:]
Stock keeping Service and maintenance is crucial to prevent any shutdown. JDC is able to deliver critical spare parts via the web shop directly from multiple warehouses. Our service engineers are
Dust tent
Waste disposal
Suction hoods
Seal smoke extraction
When you have packing machines inside your building, you will know the smell of the seal smoke like no other and… most likely want to get rid of it in the best possible way! To extract this seal
Windshifting is to be installed at a location in the line where the produce drops, usually in the receiving area. The technique works by blowing air with a high velocity air-knife through the product
Christopher Ranch
This January a successful install was completed at Christopher Ranch in the Garlic capital in the world: Gilroy California. These four systems combined extract the dust, skins and other waste from
Windshifting for the USA!
Windshifting works by blowing air with a high velocity air-knife through the product flow, extracting the dust and skins with a suction hood. This push and pull principal increases the amount of
Shay Myers tells about onion skin extraction
Here are some first hand experiences of a daily user of our extraction system! Shay Mayers of Owyhee Produce tells you why good extraction is needed at his onions sorting line. Watch the entire video